JA "Fresh Blood" NOOB Camp 2010 Batch 01/10

JAMMERZ ARENA Presents "FRESH BLOOD" NOOB Camp 2010 Batch 01/10
3rd -5th JUNE 2010

Jammerz Arena held their first "NOOB Camp" in republic poly for their Bi-Annual new intake members. New members comprising of both musicians & crews went through a series of team challenges and suffered both physically and mentally through the 3 days and 2 nights. The teams made up of both seniors and juniors were tested on their team effective skills and the 5 core values of jammerz arena; Namely "Skills, Commitment, Attitude, Responsibility, Initiative". Members whom made through, can say that they have officially passed their initiation phase in jammerz arena. Our musicians had their audition night on our second evening and they have performed amazingly well.

Looking back at the times spent and the people involved. It was no doubt not an easy task to organize and run such an event. Neither was it easy for the participants as the program and activities had its certain levels of toughness. We have shared our ups and downs, our happiness and our sadness. We welcome you guys to the Jammerz Arena Family. What'e next would be the one month probation.

Good luck guys!!!
