Insider News Article VIII
Feat. Sherman (Musician - Guitarist)


Sherman Hardie, 19 this year. I’m a year 2 DREE (Diploma in Renewable Energy Engineering, SEG) student, also the lead guitarist of JA’s City in Motion (Or Siti in Motion as some know it, haha)

Choose A Fruit That Best Describes You.

If I were a fruit, I’d be the Durian. No, it’s not because I’m smelly to some and nice smelling to others. (Well at least I hope not) But the durian describes my personality because at first you may see me as a person who is just so horrible in every way and someone you might not like. But once you when to know me better, you taste the sweetness and you’ll understand my reasons for doing things that I do.

Are you in any other interest group at the moment?

I sing bass in Rhapsody, RP’s one and only acapella IG. If you do not know what acapella is… GO GOOGLE! And if you’re ever interested, please do check us out! We took part in an Acapella Competition, “Acachamps”, and we won the top prize. It was all good experience. So, if you’re interested in taking part in competitions, singing in an acapella group, or plainly just listening or watching such groups perform, do feel free to check us out!

How did you manage to juggle between studies and IG activities?

To me, study always comes first, no matter how talented you are at other activities, without your studies, you’re just an empty talent. I complete my assignments in class promptly and learn what I am supposed to, so I can spend more time outside of class for my other activities. Word of advice, NEVER skip class unless you’re truly sick. Not worth it.

What makes Jammerz Arena stand out?

I think JA stands out from other IGs because of its unique discipline and hierarchy. If you want to succeed in anything you do, you’re going to need discipline. But a group is only as disciplined as all its members, not just the leaders. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER, S.C.A.R.I.!!!

Tell us your deepest darkest secret that people do not know about?

I don’t think I have any secrets really.